Tell me this, do you pay for a painting, or a photograph from the artist, Why is it any different when it comes to music? It's still an art, it's something somebody has created and spent a lot of hours working on. So when you make a copy of an album, that's equivalent to making a copy of somebody's photograph or painting.
It's one less sale for that artist. And one doesn't seem like a lot, but imagine 20, people making a copy for their friends, or posting it online, that leaves countless amount of copies being made, which is countless amounts of sales not being made.
The artist is then out of money. Which is why they need to charge so much, because they must charge the people who actually buy music more so that they can make a profit and a living. Although the definition says its copying, it is stealing, you are stealing an artists hard work and effort. You're stealing their money and their creation. So, no, piracy should NOT be legal. Since piracy involves users getting media such as music, movies, and video games for free, the developers and the makers of the media do not receive compensation for their creation.
Pirates get the products for no cost while others get the same product by paying for them which may influence others to piracy which hurts the developers more. For centuries hard work and effort to produce a product have been rewarded,Have you ever been to school?
Whats the point of spending millions of dollars and years of work onto a game like COD Black Ops 2 which hundreds of thousands of people enjoy and pay good money for just to have it stolen,e g PIRATED,whats the point of effort and money if theres no reward?
Anyone who says that the celebreties don't care about the money they don't get so it's okay to pirate their music. That way of thinking is stupid: that's like saying it's alright to steal from the rich just because they are rich.
They worked to give it to you. Some people think that piracy isn't considered stealing because it's not «snatching» the thing away. Music or games are not phisical goods but they are considered as a service you buy to use, just like receiving a massage or paying the delivery guy. You can't bring the massage home neither is a delivery a good but you still pay for it so why wouldn't you pay for music, games or programs?
When you don't buy your music, there are certainly some money losses in shops like HMV or the videoclub because they have less customers. When you have less customers, you go bankrupt. This means there are people who looses their jobs. That's money the government won't get in taxes this year. That's money they can't use to build roads or public buildings!
They'll need to spend it on the bs for the people who lost their jobs. Even if we allow piracy to be legal, there's still another law in wich you need to think: the copyright infringement.
That's right, it's illegal to steal the music but it's also illegal to appropriate yourself from their stuff! Anyway, there's so much bad things about free downloading I think we all know that, we just don't like going against it because we are dependent of it. Get over your addiction! Pay what you use. If we put aside the legal definitions of "theft" and "copyright infringement" for a moment, piracy is fundamentally the acquisition of non-physical goods without going through the intended payment route.
Getting something for free when the people who made it wanted money. Of course, this has been a thing for a long time - videotaping films from broadcast television, borrowing books or CDs, listening to pirate radio stations. But the internet has made piracy possible on an unprecedented scale, to the point where it will definitely affect revenue streams. Because here's the thing Making films and TV shows and software costs money. It costs a lot of money, and the reason people do it is because they expect to get that money back by selling the stuff they made.
If they don't get that money back, they'll stop making the things you like. There are a lot of commonly used arguments in favor of piracy, but they all seem to be set against a backdrop of one major social trend: the culture of entitlement. I look at some of the arguments in the yes column, and they all seem to be rooted in the concept that people should be able to have access to whatever they want: "Corporations make enough money" "Some people can't afford to pay for things they enjoy" "I should be able to get what I want for free" Corporations make money because some people are paying for things.
Using that as an excuse not to pay is completely selfish, because you are relying upon other people to act correctly in order to make life easier for yourself. If nobody paid for films, then studios would just stop making them.
If you can't afford something that you want, that someone else has spent time and money making, then you shouldn't get it. You aren't necessarily entitled to have access to everything that you want. Another type of argument that people use is to claim that it's the outdated business models that drive them to piracy: "I only pirate things to check them out, and if I like them then I pay for them" "This wasn't available where I live, so I could only pirate it" "This was only available with a subscription, and I wanted to buy it a la carte, so I pirated it" While I have sympathy with this argument, it doesn't hold water.
If you don't agree with the way a company chooses to sell their product, then just don't get the product. If enough people feel the same way, the company will change their model. Forcing them to do so by taking the content for free is not morally defensible. The basic principle behind the economics of producing is that, by producing a given good, you will be reimbursed by your patrons in the form of money or some other good which you find worthwhile in trading.
While many goods could be considered "post-scaricty goods" this does not remove the fact that, while the recreation of the goods is simple to do, the good itself was created in the first place by an individual who did so to make a profit.
Goods are not made to entertain, they are bought to entertain and, through copying a good and selling it or giving it away when you were not the one who created it, you are robbing the original maker of that good the right to sell what they themselves created.
There is no right to free goods. This applies to both physical and digital goods and cannot be taken away from the producer. Alright i'm use piracy as well i admit. All of you people who said yes have to use your heads.
If piracy was legal and everyone did it. Then the people who created the games, musics, books would lose money, and they wont make any more. It will be kill tons of media and entertainment. Just keep what your doing. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Google Search. Post Your Opinion. Create New Poll. Sign In Sign Up. Add a New Topic. Should piracy be legal? Subforum: Oblivion nude patch. Subforum: Fallout 3 nude patch. Subforum: Fallout New Vegas nude patch.
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