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The following Software Products are available on a subscription license: Pro; Automation; and, Enterprise. Evaluation License. When your license is based on the maximum number of printers used in each 7-Day Period. A usage shall mean use to print a template from a BarTender Software Document BTW file directly to that printer, or to create a PDF or similar type of data stream that is subsequently sent to print at that printer. While the BarTender Licensing Service attempts to monitor the printer count and license compliance, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are licensed for the actual number of printers being used.
The total number printers licensed to use your Software Product must not, in a 7-Day Period, exceed the number of licenses purchased on the applicable License Certificate s or received by you from Seagull Scientific, including to the extent applicable, across all production and non-production environments. When BarTender Software is used to generate electronic documents such as PDF files, licensing is based on the number of items printed per week, with each printer license granting the right to generate up to 2, Printed Items per week.
While the BarTender Licensing Service attempts to monitor the number of items printed per week and license compliance, it is your responsibility to ensure that you print no more than 2, items per week per printer license. The total number of Printed Items printed in a week must not, in a 7-Day Period, exceed 2, per printer license, including to the extent applicable, across all production and non-production environments.
While the BarTender Licensing Service attempts to monitor the volume of printed labels in a specific timeframe, it is your responsibility to accurately count the number of labels printed, including to the extent applicable, across all production and non-production environments, in accordance with the terms of the applicable License Certificate s and appropriately pay Seagull Scientific for the correct label volume.
The only supported way you may configure a redundant BarTender License is by using the redundancy features built into the Enterprise Edition. Any other method of cloning, copying or duplicating an installed instance of the BarTender Licensing Service, whether on a physical computer or virtual server, in a manner that allows it to support a duplicate of a PKC already in use by another instance of the BarTender Licensing Service is prohibited.
A redundant BarTender Licensing Service may be operational only when the primary site is nonoperational. Except for system maintenance and updating of databases, the redundant Software Product installation s shall remain dormant while the primary site or any other redundant site is operational.
You may install and use the Trial license solely for the purpose of evaluating the Software Product to determine whether to purchase the Software Product. You may not use the Trial license for any other purposes, including but not limited to competitive analysis, commercial, professional, or for-profit purposes. Unless you pay the applicable license fee for the Software Product following which Seagull Scientific will remove the Evaluation Period time limitation from your PKC , the Trial license will become inoperable at the end of the Evaluation Period.
The aforementioned prohibition against competitive analysis in Section 2. You may use an NFR license to print labels for commercial or for-profit purposes. Software Product may become inoperable upon termination. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and except as set forth in Section 6 Term and Termination , during the applicable License Term, Seagull Scientific grants you a limited, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive license to use the Software Product for which you have been issued a PKC by Seagull Scientific or an Authorized Partner, but only in accordance with: a the Documentation; b the restrictions in Section 2 Seagull Scientific Software Products , Section 2.
You may allow your Contractors and Affiliates to use the Software Product in accordance with this Agreement, provided you shall remain liable for all acts and omissions of your Affiliates and Contractors as if their acts or omissions were your own.
You assume full responsibility for the selection of the Software Product to achieve your intended results, and for the installation, use, and results obtained from the Software Product. Unless otherwise specifically provided in your License Certificate, Seagull Scientific does not grant you permission to modify any Software whether in the form of source code or machine code of the Software provided by Seagull Scientific to you under any circumstances.
You are entitled to make copies of the Software for back-up or archival purposes. Third-party software may be identified in the Documentation, and is listed here on our website: Third Party Components. To the extent required by the license that accompanies the third-party software, the terms of such license will apply in lieu of the terms of this Agreement with respect to such software, including, without limitation, any provisions governing access to source code, modification or reverse engineering.
Regardless of Delivery method, this Agreement applies in its entirely to the whole or to individual separated fragments of the delivered Software. Electronic Delivery.
All Software and Documentation shall, by default, be delivered by electronic means. Physical Media Delivery. Upon your written request and for a fee, you may receive the Software and Documentation on physical media. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, except for the limited license rights expressly provided herein, Seagull Scientific and its licensors have and will retain all rights, title and interest including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights in and to the Software Product, Source Code, Machine Code, and all copies, modifications and derivative works thereof including any changes which incorporate any of your ideas, feedback or suggestions.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Whether you purchased a license to use the Software Product from a Seagull Scientific Authorized Partner or from Seagull Scientific directly, you shall pay all fees associated with the Software Product license and any services purchased hereunder as set forth in the applicable License Certificate. Except as expressly set forth herein, all fees are non-refundable once paid. Talking Tom Cat.
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The module is intended to provide trainees with a fundamental technical understanding of all relevant national and international laws and regulations concerning oil pollution. The main content of the training course is arranged in five major parts. The first part is dealing directly with the laws while the second part will give information of their applicability.
The third part of the course addresses cop-ordination and reporting procedures to follow. The fourth part focuses on the oil pollution prevention and mitigation of the potential oil spills. The closing part provides miscellaneous information not falling under any of the titles above.
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To have a good score or to pass the test a mariner needs to have complete knowledge of all the basics related to shipping, in addition to the practical training. To show that you have the required skills and knowledge you must appear in the CET. Only when you have the certificate in your hand then it can be said that you have the competence to handle any situation related to the industry.
This gives the Crew Evaluation Test a central position in determining the eligibility for a job in the sector. To get through the process of evaluating a candidate needs complete knowledge and a bit of practical exposure. To assist you through the whole process.
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