Tesd quote moment this is why mp4 download
Return to Book Page. It has to be pulled in. It may be simply to stand up and say something. At one level, we just want to eat, drink, play, and acquire more stuff. But life on the hedonic treadmill is ultimately dissatisfying.
A beautiful remedy is to hop off it and instead begin pursuing an idea that's bigger than you are. Debe hacerse entrar. If a girl with Marie Curie's mind had been born in a remote Indian village twenty years ago, today she'd probably be harvesting rice and struggling to raise her children. We had originally asked him to speak in the traditional TED way. No lectern. Just stand on the stage, with some note cards if need be, and give the talk.
But in rehearsal, it was clear that he was uncomfortable. How are you most comfortable speaking? We tried that, and he relaxed immediately. But he was also looking down at the screen a little too much. The deal we struck was to give him the lectern in return for looking out at the audience as much as he could. His excellent talk did not come across as a recited or read speech at all.
It felt connected. It doesn't matter if you are developing a voice chatbot or if you are using a cool text-to-speech app like Speak.
It's crucial that the final result does not sound like just words thrown together. Voice and tone are more important than words. Or, to put it this way, the tone, pauses, and speech tempo will help your words make an impact. And if we agree that not just what you say matters, but also how you say it, it's obvious why SSML has become a thing. To help you better connect to the client, friend, partner, or web surfer that interacts with your work. We all know a great story-teller.
A person that has the power to use words that simply lift us from the chair and put us into the middle of the action. A person that right before the peak of the story makes a pause that makes want to shout "and then what happened? Yes, used right, speech pauses have the power of letting you know that something important is about to be mentioned.
Is very common for great public speakers and one of the most efficient ways of communicating the importance of what is going to be said next. SSML allows us to use this technique in the computer-generated speech by using the element, that has time and strength attributes. We can use technology to generate the voice, but the last thing we want is to have an impersonal result.
A monotone voice will make audiences lose interest or fall asleep and will make no impact whatsoever. This is why we as humans, use tone, pitch, and speed to add more meaning to our words. Ex: have you noticed how we use our voice to add questions mark? Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Join Goodreads. Quotes tagged as "this-moment" Showing of Don't wait for the rain to be over before because it might take too long. You can can do it now. Wherever you are, right now, you can start, right now; this very moment.
In this moment, you are precisely as you should be. In this moment, there is infinite possibility. Do not allow your spirit to be softened of your happiness to be limited by a day you cannot have back or a day that does not yet exist. I have heard many people speak of who they believe they were in previous incarnations, but they seem to have very little idea of who they are in this one.
Perhaps the best way to do that is to live as though there were no afterlife or reincarnation. To live as though this moment was all that was allotted.
Don't be too concerned about the problems of the past. What matters most is the challenge at hand now! Let it run wild and free.