Self regulation theory pdf download
Chapters are of interest to psychologists interested in the development and operation of self-regulation as well as applications to health, organizational, clinical, and educational psychology. This book pulls together theory, research, and applications in the self-regulation domain and provides broad coverage of conceptual, methodological, and treatment issues.
In view of the burgeoning interest and massive research on various aspects of self-regulation, the time seems ripe for this Handbook, aimed at reflecting the current state of the field. The goal is to provide researchers, students, and clinicians in the field with substantial state-of-the-art overviews, reviews, and reflections on the conceptual and methodological issues and complexities particular to self-regulation research.
Coverage of state-of-the-art in self-regulation research from different perspectives Application of self-regulation research to health, clinical, organizational, and educational psychology Brings together in one volume research on self-regulation in different subdisciplines Most comprehensive and penetrating compendium of information on self-regulation from multi-disciplinary perspectives.
Interest in developing ways of capturing the dynamics of interpersonal regulation in real-life learning interactions is growing rapidly. Understanding these dynamics is particularly timely given the increased use of collaborative learning activities in schools and university settings, as well as through face-to-face and computer supported collaborative learning CSCL environments.
While groups and collections of individuals in social interaction are expected to bring their own motivations and goals to the learning situations, it is also assumed that these are further shaped through interaction, as the group activity evolves. Research methodology publications in the field of learning, regulation and motivation are still dominated by a focus on the individual.
The study of collaborative learning at both conceptual and methodological level has not incorporated the significance of social regulatory processes of learning and motivation.
This is a new development in the field and one covered by this book. The book contains numerous illustrations of innovative: Methodological approaches to study and interpret the dynamics of interpersonal regulation Data sources and data representations to capture scaffolded instruction Theory-based analytic methods to investigate interactions in real-life collaborative learning Coding systems and social software tools for gathering and analysing interactive data.
Interpersonal Regulation of Learning and Motivation brings together the work of scholars who have been studying interpersonal regulation of learning and motivation at the boundaries of the individual and the social, and who have made original methodological contributions to the study of interactive learning environments. In combination, their work provides a range of distinctive and original conceptual and methodological contributions to this under-examined and vital field of research, making this an essential read for any researcher or student interested in collaborative learning and motivation.
Author : Michael L. Straka ed. New York: Waxmann. Brown, H. Teaching by principles. An interactive approach to language pedagogy 2nd ed. White Plains, NY: Longman. Brown, J. Afect in self-regulatory framework in language learning. System, 38 3 , Brown, K. The beneits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84 4 , Cafarella, R.
Self-directed learning. Merriam Ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Chan, V. Readiness for learner autonomy: What do our learners tell us? Teaching in Higher Education, 6 4 , Second language proiciency and acculturation: An investigation of the efects of language status and individual characteristics. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 5 4 , Condry, J.
Intrinsic motivation and the process of learning. Greene Eds. Corno, L. Ames Eds. London: Academic Press. Cotterall, S. Readiness for autonomy: Investigating learner beliefs. System, 23 2 , Developing a course strategy for learner autonomy. ELT Journal, 49 3 , Crookes, G. Motivation: Reopening the research agenda. Language Learning, 41 4 , Dam, L. Beginning English: An experiment in learning and teaching pupils in 5th year Karlslunde Skole. Copenhagen: Danmarks Laererhoskole.
Developing autonomy in schools: Why and how. Language Teacher, 1, Learner Autonomy 3: From theory to classroom practice. Dublin: Authentik. Personal causation: The internal afective determinants of behavior.
New York: Academic Press. Motivation enhancement in educational settings. Deci, E. The psychology of self-determination. Intrinsic motivation and self determination in human behaviour. A motivational approach to self: Integration in personality. Dienstbier Ed. Handbook of self-determination. Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development and health. Canadian Psychology, 49 3 , Need satisfaction and the self-regulation of learning. Learning and Individual Diferences, 8 3 , Dickinson, L.
Self instruction in language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Learner training for language learning. Talking shop: aspects of autonomous learning. ELTJournal, 4 , Autonomy and motivation: A literature review. Autonomy, self-direction and self-access in language teaching and learning: The history of an idea.
Conceptualizing motivation in foreign-language learning. Language Learning, 40 1 , Motivation and motivating in the foreign language classroom. Modern Language Journal, 78 3 , Understanding L2 motivation: On with the challenge! Modern Language Journal, 78 4 , Oxford Ed. Teaching and researching motivation, Longman, Essesx: Pearson Education. Attitudes, orientation, and motivations in language learning: Advances in theory, research, and applications.
Language Learning, 53 1 , The psychology of the language learner: Individual diferences in second language acquisition. Language Teaching Research, 2 3 , Motivation in action: A process model of L2 motivation. Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, 4, Motivation, language identities and the L2 self: future research directions.
Ushioda Eds. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Eccles, J. Motivation to succeed. Eisenberg Eds. Ellis, R. Understanding second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Sorry, this product is currently out of stock. Flexible - Read on multiple operating systems and devices. Easily read eBooks on smart phones, computers, or any eBook readers, including Kindle.
Institutional Subscription. Tax Exempt Orders. Support Center. Free Shipping Free global shipping No minimum order. Coverage of state-of-the-art in self-regulation research from different perspectives Application of self-regulation research to health, clinical, organizational, and educational psychology Brings together in one volume research on self-regulation in different subdisciplines Most comprehensive and penetrating compendium of information on self-regulation from multi-disciplinary perspectives.
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands. The University of Michigan. University of Haifa, Mt. View full fingerprint. Guilford Publications. Guilford Publications, Vohs, Kathleen D.