Cant find a source to download version 0.1.0-13

It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I'm trying to download source code of certain packages, for example rhythmbox, for learning purposes. I want to do this through apt-get , with the apt-get source command. For some reason, apt-get can't seem to find any package. I've tried several packages, and I keep getting this output from apt-get:.

I've been searching for answers for quite some time now, but I can't find anyone with the same issue. During the search I also learned that I had to enable the 'source code repositories' in Software Sources, so that's also enabled.

I am aware of the fact that maybe only for certain packages, not sure source packages can also be downloaded with bzr from Launchpad, but I want to know why this method won't work.

Which server do you use? I'm using "Server and United States" and just downloaded the source for rhythmbox just fine. I'm on Precise. If, for example, you installed a normal Ubuntu install and didn't add any apt repos. Then all you need to do is make sure "Source code" has a check by it. If you added extra repos, then you need to have two entries for each repo.

One for "main" usually and one for "source". Now apt-get source installs source for the exact package you installed. This means that ifyou installed the deb from some-odd-ppa main then the source needs to be in some-odd-ppa source. In fact, there was a mismatch between the versions in the filename Company. I'm not sure if this scenario qualifies as something which should be fixed as in, properly reported in the nuget client; please consider fixing it!

I don't think this is fixed and I am not using vNext. I am on VS with a private nuget feed hosted on a teamcity server behind a corporate firewall. All things nuget worked fine until I added the TeamCity feed. Please verify all your online package sources are available. At line:1 char Also don't think this is fixed.

I'm using a 3. Running a build script on my machine works perfectly, even after purging all packages. But on the CI server which is in an entirely different physical state to me I get:. Could you please try the 3. The error at the end is probably an ownership problem on the directory. However, I won't be able to validate this until Monday because remote access to the CI server isn't working and no one is in the office.

I will get back to you. In my case 2. The majority of our customers are on 2. We will update this in the near future. In the meantime if you want to stay on the latest for nuget. I don't think this is fixed, we're running 3. Even if this is caused by something else than nuget, nuget should report properly what is causing it to fail.

Also, it says it is restoring, but it dont find the files, and what we see is that the packages folder is empty. OsirisTerje NuGet 3. You should enable it as it will tell you each feed it tries to search the package into. Thanks for the tip though. I assume you mean "-verbosity detailed"? I totally agree on the remark about making nuget output more debug friendly. I suffered from a permission issue that manifested itself with the dreaded Unable to find version. In hindsight, all symptoms should have pointed me in the right direction, but the actual message leaves the regular user baffled.

If NuGet arrives at the stage where it actually queries a file share, I guess it would encounter an actual file permission issue, rather that a "not found", and even if it doesn't, it could tell the user that "the user might not have enough permissions". This happens quite regularly on the VSTS instance for one of our customers. The packages are sporadic - no rhyme or reason other than it chews up build minutes like nobody's business when we have to requeue builds due to this issue.

I just hit this error because my sln file was missing a postSolution section. Mpdreamz could you please expand on how to find and fix the problem you describe? The error here is a generic message that happens when a package cannot be found. There could be many different reasons for this, if anyone is still hitting this and have they have verified that the package does exist on the feed then please open a new issue with repro details since this needs to be looked at on a case by case basis.

Mpdreamz it seems unlikely that the solution file is causing this issue. NuGet reads packages. If you are able to repro this consistently by adding and removing the postSolution section I would love to see the full repro steps, please open a new issue tracking that.

Using Jenkins on Windows. Users can find the original installation file locations within the Installation Manager at the Summary screen by clicking on the Change button associated to the Download Options. Clicking the Change button will display the information as seen below, where the user can browse to the directory listed to see if the files are present.

An example:. If the files are not present in the location specified, you have two options — locate the installation files and resolve the discrepancy between the location specified and the actual location, or download the installation files. The missing source files can be downloaded through the installation manager, from the same location by selecting the middle radio button to Download Only, and making sub-selections for a full file set or to download only what you need.

Use the "Source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. The DISM log is showing the same error. What the heck, Microsoft? Anyone else run into this? I could use some assistance. Attachments: Up to 10 attachments including images can be used with a maximum of 3. It does not include a GUI, but you can fully manage the server locally or remotely with Windows PowerShell or other tools.

For more details see "Windows Server Installation Options. All server roles and features are supported. The Desktop Experience caught my attention. It looks to me that "install. If you have another server, you could try that. Type Dism.


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